Eid-el-Kabir Message from Hon. Bomkam Ali Wuyep, Director General of PLASMIDA

As we gather to celebrate Eid-el-Kabir, also known as the Feast of Sacrifice, I, Hon. Bomkam Ali Wuyep, the Director General of the Plateau State Microfinance Development Agency (PLASMIDA), extend my warmest greetings and best wishes to you all.

Eid-el-Kabir is a time of reflection, sacrifice, and generosity. It commemorates the willingness of Prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his son in obedience to Allah’s command. This profound act of faith and submission reminds us of the importance of devotion, selflessness, and compassion in our daily lives.

During this festive period, let us embrace the values of charity and kindness by sharing our blessings with the less fortunate, fostering unity, and strengthening the bonds of community. It is through these acts of generosity and empathy that we can build a more inclusive and supportive society.

At PLASMIDA, we are committed to empowering the people of Plateau State by providing opportunities for economic growth and development. We believe that by supporting small and medium-sized enterprises, we can drive progress and prosperity for all. On this special occasion, I reaffirm our dedication to creating a vibrant and resilient economy that benefits every citizen.

May this Eid bring peace, joy, and prosperity to you and your families. Let us celebrate with gratitude in our hearts and a renewed commitment to the values that make our community strong.

Eid Mubarak!

Warm regards,

Hon. Bomkam Ali Wuyep
Director General, PLASMIDA.

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