Democracy Day Message from Hon. Ishaya D. Lalu

Fellow Nigerians,

On this momentous occasion of Democracy Day, I extend my heartfelt felicitations to all Nigerians. Today, we celebrate the enduring spirit of our nation and the strength of our democracy.

Democracy Day is a significant milestone for our country as it marks the uninterrupted practice of democratic governance. This achievement is a testament to our collective resolve and commitment to the principles of freedom, justice, and equality. It is a day to honor the sacrifices of those who fought for our democratic rights and to recognize the progress we have made together as a nation.

As the representative of the Mangu/Bokkos federal constituency, I am particularly proud of the unity and resilience demonstrated by our people. Your unwavering support and active participation in the democratic process are the bedrock of our continued success.

Let us use this occasion to renew our dedication to building a more inclusive, prosperous, and democratic Nigeria. By working together, we
can overcome the challenges that lie ahead and ensure a brighter future for all.

Happy Democracy Day to all Nigerians!

God bless Mangu/Bokkos federal constituency…

God bless Plateau state..

God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

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